Executive Boss Sampler (Box of 7)
Introducing our remarkable collection of cigar blends, the Executive Boss 7 Cigar Mixed Sampler. This selection is specially curated to provide cigar enthusiasts with a captivating and sophisticated smoking experience.
The sampler includes:
1x Executive Maduro: Indulge in our fullest-bodied Executive Cigar. Crafted with Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and long-filler tobacco, this medium-to-full-bodied cigar offers a milder experience compared to other Maduro cigars. It's the perfect choice for daily enjoyment.
1x Executive Barber Pole: Immerse yourself in the mild-to-medium body smoke of our Executive Barber Pole cigars. These cigars feature an intriguing combination of Ecuadorian Connecticut and Ecuadorian Maduro wrappers in a unique barber pole design. With a smooth and captivating smoking experience, they also make a fantastic gift option.
1x Executive Habano: Discover the medium-bodied richness of our Executive Habano cigar. Falling between the Connecticut and Maduro in strength, it delivers a distinct note and flavor profile. Wrapped in Ecuadorian-grown Habano leaf and filled with Nicaraguan long-filler tobacco, this cigar has become a favorite among many connoisseurs.
1x Boss Connecticut: Experience the sophistication of our Boss Connecticut cigar. Despite its mild body, this cigar is packed with smoothness, complexity, and character. The combination of three different long-filler tobaccos creates a delightful balance of flavors. Don't miss the shaggy foot design - a unique detail to appreciate.
1x Boss Cameroon: Indulge in the medium-bodied pleasure of our Boss Cameroon cigar. Featuring an Indonesian Cameroon wrapper, Indonesian binder, and a blend of aged Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos, this cigar offers a harmonious combination of natural sweetness and spice. The shaggy foot adds an extra touch of appeal. Treat yourself to a box today.
1x Boss Tri-Wrap: Prepare for an extraordinary smoking experience with our Boss Tri-Wrap cigar. Unique and complex, this medium-full-bodied smoke evolves throughout the smoking journey, delivering distinct flavors and body. Don't hesitate to try this exceptional cigar that offers a one-of-a-kind experience.
1x Boss Candela: For those seeking something different, our Boss Candela cigar awaits. While not as widely recognized as other wrappers, Candela cigars present complex and earthy flavors, accompanied by a delightful aroma. The unmistakable green color of the leaf adds to its charm. Don't forget to appreciate the shaggy foot detail.
Explore the diverse flavors and craftsmanship of our Executive Boss 7 Cigar Mixed Sampler. Elevate your cigar experience with this exquisite collection.