Collection: Boxed Cigars

Discover the art of cigar craftsmanship with our exclusive boxed selections. Our boutique farm and factory in Nicaragua are the birthplace of exceptional cigars like the Executive and Boss varieties, each one meticulously handcrafted for superior quality. The CEO Premium Cigar, a masterpiece created by a Master Tobacconist in Florida, represents the pinnacle of sophistication and elegance.

Each box contains 20 finely crafted cigars, with a production time of 8-10 days per order. We ship across the United States (except South Dakota and Utah), most APO/FPO addresses, as well as to the United Kingdom and Australia. UPS is our primary carrier, with USPS handling shipments to APO/FPO addresses.

Indulge in the exquisite pleasure of our premium cigars. Place your order today to experience a world of unmatched quality and refinement.