Executive Maduro (Box of 20)
The Executive Maduro cigar is skillfully fashioned by blending Nicaraguan Maduro, Nicaraguan binder, and long-filler tobacco. Despite being a Maduro variant, this cigar leans towards the milder end of the spectrum, making it stand out from other Maduro cigars and aligning perfectly with our industry niche. With a medium-to-full bodied profile, it offers daily enjoyment without overpowering strength. Available at approximately $7.56 per cigar when purchasing a box of 20.
Sizes: 7 x 48 Churchill
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Long Filler: Nicaraguan Esteli, Nicaraguan Condega
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Executive Maduro cigar promises a consistently smooth draw and an even burn, ensuring a satisfying smoking experience every time. Whether you're unwinding after a long day or sharing a moment with friends, this cigar delivers rich flavors and complexity that will leave a lasting impression.